Palisade Head Engagement - Kenzie + Alec

Kenzie + Alec Engagement Photos
Location: Palisade Head, Minnesota
Their Palisade Head Engagement Photos
Palisade Head is a shallow headland of pink Rhyolite cliffs along the North Shore in Beaver Bay, MN. It is an epic section of Tettegouche State Park, were you can really grab some insane views of Lake Superior along with the dense forest and slabs of giant rocks surrounding it.
These two adventurous souls met in college and after a loss of a ladies vs guys beer pong game, where the guys won a double date with the ladies, Alec and Kenzie went on their very first date! They have been together ever since! After some epic road trips in their Jeep and many hiking adventures with their pup, Valor - Alec asked her to be his forever hiking buddy. He proposed to her on the North Shore of Lake Superior, so this incredible landscape was the perfect place for their engagement photos!
The lakeshore was feeling a little moody that day, which I am all about!! If you have been north of Duluth you know she has her own set of rules when it comes to weather patterns. During my drive up there that day it was warm, sunny and like 75 degrees until I hit Duluth, which was about 20 degrees colder and completely covered in clouds. I swear Northern Minnesota along the lake can be just as unpredictable as the mountains. Even as we drove to this spot, the top of the ridge was completely covered in clouds, whereas just a mere 300 ft lower in elevation was completely clear.
If you look closely at a few of the cliff photos below you can see two climbers and their gear, it was hella fun watching them repelling down these steep rock faces towards the crashing waves of the lake below.
Check out part 2 of their adventure on the North Shore >>>HERE<<<

Curious how this whole
thing works?